Underline Text Tool

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Underline Text Tool


Editor-Icon Underline Text Tool



Click Underline Text Tool to add underline annotations to document text:



Figure 1. Tools Tab Submenu, Underline Text Tool


When the Underline Text Tool is selected, the pointer icon changes when it is hovered over text. Click and drag to underline text. Please note that it is not possible to underline image-based text. Underlined text appears as below:



Figure 2. Underline Text Tool Example


When the Underline Text Tool is selected, the following options are enabled in the Properties Toolbar:


Fill Color determines the underline color.

Underline Style determines the style of the underline.

Opacity determines the level of transparency in the underline.

Blend Mode determines how underlines blend with underlying content. These options are explained here.

Keep Selected determines whether or not the Underline Text Tool remains selected after an underline has been created. If this option is enabled then the tool will remain selected and can be used to create several underlines consecutively. If this option is not enabled then PDF-XChange Editor will revert to the designated default tool immediately after creating an underline markup.

Exclusive Mode simplifies the process of using the Underline Text Tool. When Exclusive Mode is enabled, the pointer ignores all interactive elements of documents other than base content. This makes it possible to create underlines on areas that overlap with other content without the risk of accidentally selecting undesired items. When Exclusive Mode is disabled, the pointer recognizes and interacts with all underlying elements in the usual manner.

Click Properties to view/edit additional underline properties, as detailed below.

The Commenting section of the Preferences dialog box can be used to view/edit preferences for comments.

Note that several default styles are available for underlines, as detailed in (figure 1). Click to select alternative annotation styles. The Comment Styles Palette can be used to save customized underline styles for subsequent use. Right-click the Underline icon in the Comment Toolbar to view existing styles and/or access the Comment Styles Palette.

Right-click underlined text and select Delete to remove underlines. See here for an explanation of the other options in the right-click shortcut menu.


Underline Properties



Figure 3. Underline Properties Pane


Subject is the name of the underline annotation, as referenced in the Comments pane.

Author is the name of the user that created the underline annotation.

Name is the unique name of the underline annotation, as referenced within the application.

Created is the date and time at which the underline annotation was created.

Modified is the date and time at which the underline annotation was last modified.

Read Only is the read only status of the underline annotation. If this property is enabled then users cannot interact with the annotation. Please note that it is necessary to use JavaScript to change the value of this property.

Printable is the print status of the underline annotation. If this property is enabled then the annotation is printed with the document. If this property is not enabled then the annotation is not printed.

Locked is the locked status of the underline annotation. If this property is enabled then the annotation cannot be deleted and its properties (including its position and size) cannot be modified by users.

Layer specifies the optional content layer to which the underline annotation belongs. Further information about layers is available here.

Fill Color determines the color of the underline annotation.

Underline Style determines the style used for the underline annotation.

Thickness Scale determines the thickness of the underline annotation.

Opacity determines the level of transparency in the underline annotation.

Blend Mode determines how underline annotations blend with overlapping content. These options are explained here.


The Comment Styles Palette can be used to save customized underline styles for subsequent use. Right-click the Underline icon in the Comment Toolbar to view existing styles and/or access the Comment Styles Palette.