/SetOptions Command Line

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/SetOptions Command Line


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If profiles or multiple printers are used in order to utilize different settings options in PDF-XChange Printer Standard, then every setting in the printer is changed each time a new printer or profile is loaded. However, the pdfSaver.exe /SetOptions command line enables the setting of some printer options without modifying the other options. Please note the following:


/SetOptions can be used to push only the settings defined in the command line used. This is very useful to administrators who wish to set certain options without modifying any other options that users may have set themselves.

/SetOptions can take arguments directly at the command line or via a text file. This makes it simple for administrators to see and determine the intended setup. Note that both profiles and multiple printers are 'black boxes' in this context, as there is no simple method for looking into a profile file in order to see what it contains.

/SetOptions can be applied to a specified printer and a profile.


Using Command Line Arguments


Options can be direct arguments to PDFSaver.exe:


pdfSaver.exe /SetOptions optionname1=value1[;optionname2=value2] /Printer <PrinterName> [/Profile <ProfileName>] [/NoNotify]


This command line can be used to apply settings to PDF-XChange Printer Standard:


SetOptions is the command called to set options.

optionname[1] is the name of the first option to be set.

value[1] is the value of the first option to be set.

optionname[N] is the name of the "nth" option to be set.

value[N] is the value of the "nth" option to be set.

PrinterName is the name of the printer to which the options will be applied.

ProfileName is the name of the profile to which the options will be applied.

NoNotify is an optional parameter that prevents the sending of information about changes in the printers list to other applications.




The following command line can be used to specify the generation of "PDF/A-2b" PDFs and to not run the PDF viewing application after file generation:


pdfSaver.exe /SetOptions "General.Specification=PDFA-2b;Save.RunApp=false" /Printer "PDF-XChange Standard"


Using Text File Arguments


Options can be stored in a text file and passed to PDFSaver.exe:


pdfSaver.exe /SetOptions @optionslistfile /Printer <PrinterName> [/Profile <ProfileName>] [/NoNotify]


This command line can be used to apply settings to PDF-XChange Printer Standard:


SetOptions is the command called to set options.

@optionslistfile is the name of the text file that contains a plain text list of options to be set. The options file must be in plain text format and contain one option name and its value per line, with each line separated by an equals (=) operator.

PrinterName is the name of the printer to which the options will be applied.

ProfileName is the name of the profile to which the options will be applied.

NoNotify is an optional parameter that prevents the sending of information about changes in the printers list to other applications.




The following command line can be used to specify an optionslistfile to define options:


pdfSaver.exe /SetOptions @c:\documents\opt.lst /Printer "PDF-XChange Standard"


Using /Dump Options to Determine the Current Settings


All current settings can be exported as a list alongside their respective optionname. Note that output can be to Standard Out (terminal) or a file, and that anything after a ";" is as a comment and has no functional value. This method is an effective way to get the correct optionname in order to apply a different value later. The syntax for the /Dump Options command line is as follows:


pdfSaver.exe /DumpOptions [<dest_file_name>] /Printer <PrinterName> [/Profile <ProfileName>]


This command line lists all settings of the printer specified. If <dest_file_name> is not specified then settings will be listed in the console window.


DumpOptions is the command called to export options.

dest_file_name is the name of the text file to which the options will be exported.

PrinterName is the name of the printer to which the options will be applied.

ProfileName is the name of the profile to which the options will be applied.




The following command line will list all settings in the console window:


C:\Program Files\Tracker Software\PDF-XChange Standard>pdfSaver.exe /DumpOptions /Printer "PDF-XChange Standard"


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