Command Line Options

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Command Line Options


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The command line options listed below are available for PDF-Tools. Please note:


If any values have spaces, backslashes or forwardslashes then the entire options list should be enclosed in quotation marks.

If the optionslistfile contain spaces, it should be enclosed in quotation marks.

If a profile is specified, changes will be made to that profile. If not then the changes will apply to the current printer's settings.

These options are for the PDFXTools.exe executable, the default location of which is:


"C:\Program Files\Tracker Software\PDF Tools V6\PDFXTools.exe"


Unless the path to PDFXTools.exe is added to the system %path% variable, the full path to PDFXTools.exe must be specified.

Use semicolons to delimiter options when more than one option is being used.



Formal Syntax



<anytext> means any text string.


<a>|<b> means <a> or <b>.


<filename> means full or relative path to file. When the path contains white spaces it should be enclosed in quotation marks. For example: c:\MyDocuments\MyTestDocument.pdf should be "c:\My Documents\My Test Document.pdf".


[expression] is the optional part of the command line. For example if the syntax is: /RunTool[:showui=yes|no][;showprog=yes|no][;showrep=yes|no] <ToolID> [<filename1> [<filename2> ... <filenameN>]] then the following examples are correct:


/RunTool imagesToPDF

/RunTool imagesToPDF "c:\picture1.png" "c:\picture2.png"

/RunTool:showprog=no imagesToPDF "c:\picture1.png" "c:\picture2.png"



Command Line Options





This command line saves identifiers of all existing tools to a plain text file. Please note that an existing destination file is required for this command line to operate.




/DumpTools <filename>




<filename> - is the path to the text file where identifiers of all existing tools will be saved.




PDFXTools.exe /DumpTools "c:\PDF-Tools.txt"





This command line exports all program settings to a specified file.




/ExportSettings <filename>




<filename> - is the path to the file where program settings will be saved.




PDFXTools.exe /ExportSettings "c:\PDF-Tools_AppSettings.pdts"





This command line exports tools and their settings to a specified file.




/ExportTools[:showui=no|yes|full] <filename>




showui - if 'yes' is specified then the Choose Tools for Export dialog box will be displayed. This allows users to select manually the tools to be exported.  If 'full' is specified then the main window of the user interface will also be displayed. The default value is 'yes'.

<filename> - is the path to the file where exported tools will be saved.




PDFXTools.exe /ExportTools:showui=full "c:\PDF-Tools_Exchange.pdtex" - to export tools via the Choose Tools for Export dialog box and display the main window of the user interface.





This command line imports program settings/tools from a specified file.




/ImportSettings[:showui=no|yes|full] <filename>




showui – if 'yes' is specified and the <filename> is a path to a PDF-Tools export file then the Choose Tools for Import dialog box will be displayed. This allows users to select manually the tools to be imported. (If settings are being imported then the import will take place without a dialog box).  If 'full' is specified then the main window of the user interface will be displayed, and if the <filename> is a path to a PDF-Tools tools export file then the Choose Tools for Import dialog box will also be displayed. The default value is 'yes'.

<filename> - is the path to the file that contains program settings/tools. These can be created using the /ExportSettings or /ExportTools commands (or the corresponding features in the user interface).




PDFXTools.exe /ImportSettings "c:\PDF-Tools_AppSettings.pdts" - to import all settings from the file "c:\PDF-Tools_AppSettings.pdts".

PDFXTools.exe /ImportSettings:showui=full "c:\PDF-Tools_Exchange.pdtex" - to display the main window of the user interface and import tools from the file "c:\PDF-Tools_Exchange.pdtex" via the Choose Tools for Import dialog box.





This command line imports tools to PDF-Tools.


Please note that this tool is identical to the /Open and /ImportSettings command line options in cases where the <filename> contains a path to a file that contains exported tools.




/ImportTools[:showui[=no|yes|full]] <filename>




showui – if 'yes' is specified then the Choose Tools for Import dialog box will be displayed. This allows users to select manually the tools to be imported.  If 'full' is specified then the main window of the user interface will also be displayed. The default value is 'yes'.

<filename> - is the path to the file that contains previously exported tools. The /ExportTools command (or the corresponding feature in the user interface) can be used to export tools to file.




PDFXTools.exe  /ImportTools "c:\my-custom-tools.pdtex" - to import all tools from the file "c:\my-custom-tools.pdtex".

PDFXTools.exe  /ImportTools:showui "c:\pdf-tools.pdtex" - to import tools from the file "c:\pdf-tools.pdtex" via the Choose Tools for Import dialog box.

PDFXTools.exe  /ImportTools:showui=full "c:\pdf-tools.pdtex" - to import tools from the file "c:\pdf-tools.pdtex" via the Choose Tools for Import dialog box and display the main window of the user interface.





This command line imports tools/program settings for PDF-Tools that have been exported to file.




/Open[:showui=no|yes|full] <filename>




showui - if 'yes' is specified and the <filename> is a path to a PDF-Tools export file then the Choose Tools for Import dialog box will be displayed. This allows users to select manually the tools to be imported.  If 'full' is specified then the main window of the user interface will be displayed, and if the <filename> is a path to a PDF-Tools tools export file then the Choose Tools for Import dialog box will also be displayed. The default value is 'yes'.

<filename> - is the path to the file that contains exported tools/program settings. The /ExportSettings or /ExportTools commands (or the corresponding features in user interface) can be used to create these files.




PDFXTools.exe /Open "c:\my-custom-tools.pdtex" - to import all tools from the file "c:\my-custom-tools.pdtex".

PDFXTools.exe /Open "c:\pdf-tools-settings.pdts" - to import all program settings from the file "c:\pdf-tools-settings.pdts".

PDFXTools.exe /Open:showui "c:\pdf-tools.pdtex" - to import tools from the file "c:\pdf-tools.pdtex" via the Choose Tools for Import dialog box.

PDFXTools.exe /Open:showui=full "c:\pdf-tools.pdtex" - to import tools from the file "c:\pdf-tools.pdtex" via the Choose Tools for Import dialog box and display the main window of the user interface.





This command line restores all program settings to their default state.








There are no available parameters for this command line option.




PDFXTools.exe /ResetSettings





This command line runs the specified tool. If custom tools are used then it is necessary to specify the GUID of the tool. (The /DumpTools command line, detailed above, can be used to create a breakdown of all existing tools and their identifiers).




/RunTool[:showui=yes|no][;showprog=yes|no][;showrep=always|yes|no][;sort=name|size|mdate|cdate[,dsc]] <ToolID> [<filename1> [<filename2> ... <filenameN>]] [/Log[:full=yes|no] <logfilename>]




showui - if 'yes' is specified then the main window of the user interface will be displayed. The default value is 'no'.

showprog - if 'yes' is specified then the progress bar will be displayed. The default value is 'yes'. Please note that when showui=yes is specified then showprog=no will be ignored.

showrep - if 'yes' is specified then the Tool Report pane will be displayed when errors/warnings occur during the operation of tools. If 'always' is specified then the Tool Report pane will always be displayed. The default value is 'yes'.

sort - sorts input files by name, creation date (cdate), modification date (mdate) and size. See below for examples.

<ToolID> - specifies the tool to run. The string that contains the GUID of the tool must be used to identify the tool. (The /DumpTools command line, detailed above, can be used to create a breakdown of all existing tools and their identifiers).

<filename1> ... <filenameN> - is an optional list of input files that the specified tool will process. It is also possible to specify folders, in which case the tool will process all corresponding files recursively.




PDFXTools.exe /RunTool imagesToPDF

PDFXTools.exe /RunTool imagesToPDF "c:\picture1.png" "c:\picture2.png"

PDFXTools.exe /RunTool:showprog=no;showrep=no imagesToPDF "c:\picture1.png" "c:\picture2.png"

PDFXTools.exe /RunTool:showprog=no;showrep=no imagesToPDF "c:\FolderWithPictures"

PDFXTools.exe "/RunTool:sort=size" imagesToPDF "c:\FolderWithPictures" - to run the Create PDF from Images tool and order files from the smallest to the largest.

PDFXTools.exe "/RunTool:sort=mdate,dsc"  imagesToPDF "c:\FolderWithPictures" - to run the Create PDF from Images tool and order files and from the most recently modified file.