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pdf-xchange-editor-simple-sdk_100x100 Functions



The following functions are available in the PDF-XChange Editor Simple SDK:


PXCV_CheckPassword validates the supplied password against the current document.

PXCV_Delete releases the PDF object that PXCV_Init created.

PXCV_DrawPageToDC draws specified pages to a device context.

PXCV_DrawPageToDIBSection creates a Windows graphics device interface DIB section from document pages.

PXCV_DrawPageToIStream renders the specified page and saves it to the stream object.

PXCV_FinishReadDocument completes the reading of encrypted documents when PXCV_ReadDocumentW returns PS_ERR_DocEncrypted and PXCV_CheckPassword supplied the correct password.

PXCV_GetDocumentInfoW retrieves information from the info dictionary of documents.

PXCV_GetPageDimensions retrieves page dimensions.

PXCV_GetPageRotation retrieves the rotation angle of pages.

PXCV_GetPagesCount retrieves the page count of documents.

PXCV_GetPermissions extracts the encryption level and permission settings of documents.

PXCV_Init creates a PDF object.

PXCV_ReadDocumentFromIStream uses an Istream interface to read documents.

PXCV_ReadDocumentFromMemory reads documents from memory buffers.

PXCV_ReadDocumentW reads documents from specified PDF files.

PXCV_ReleaseCachedData releases cached document data.

PXCV_ReleasePageCachedData releases cached data for individual document pages.

PXCV_SetCallBack sets the callback function used during the process of PDF rasterization.

PXV_CommonRenderParameters defines drawing parameters for the functions PXCV_DrawPageToDC and PXCV_DrawPageToDIBSection.


Please note that all functions and their parameters are case-sensitive.