Document Info

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Document Info


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The Document Info macro inserts document metadata information.


The syntax for this macro is %[DocInfo] and the following parameters are available:


Title inserts the data in the Document Title field.

Author inserts the data in the Author field.

Subject inserts the data in the Subject field.

Keywords inserts the data in the Keywords field.

Creator inserts the name of the application used to create the document.

Producer inserts the PDF Producer of the document.

CreationDate inserts the date and time when the document was created, followed by the UTC offset.

ModDate inserts the date and time when the document was last modified, followed by the UTC offset.


The syntax for this macro when parameters are used is %[DocInfo:<Parameter>] - see below for examples.


Note that the names of any standard fields from the document properties can be used as parameters for this macro. For example, entering the macro %[DocInfo:Trapped] inserts the current value of the Trapped field detailed here. Additionally, if parameters have been specified using the JavaScript console and custom names have been used to replace the standard names, then the custom names can be used.


Document properties can be viewed/edited in the Document Properties dialog box. Click the File tab, then click Document Properties to view this dialog box:

Figure 1. Document Properties Dialog Box




Follow the steps below to use the Document Info macro to add Bates numbering that uses the date and time that the document was last modified:


1. Click the Organize tab.


2. Click Bates Numbering, then click Add. The Add Bates Numbering dialog box will open.


3. Enter %[DocInfo:ModDate] in the desired text box. The date and time the document was last modified is then inserted as Bates numbering:



Figure 2. %[DocInfo] Macro Example


Alternatively, enter %[DocInfo:Title] to insert the document title:



Figure 2. %[DocInfo] Macro Example Two


Note that it is possible to use more than one macro at a time. For example the text %[DocInfo:Title], %[DocInfo:Author] returns both the document name and the author name:



Figure 3. %[DocInfo] Macro Example Three