Document Info

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Document Info


Editor-Icon Document Info



The Document Info macro uses the name DocInfo and retrieves information about the document from the document's properties. It can be used with PDF documents only.


The syntax for this macro is %[DocInfo:<Parameter>]


Available parameters are detailed below:


Title retrieves information from the Document Title field.

Author retrieves information from the Author field.

Subject retrieves information from the Subject field.

Keywords retrieves information from the Keywords field.

Creator retrieves information from the Creator field.

Producer retrieves information from the Keywords field.

CreationDate references the date when the document was created.

ModeDate references the date when the document was modified.

It is also possible to enter custom parameters. For example, entering the macro %[DocInfo:Trapped] will display the current setting for the "trapped" option specified here. Additionally, if parameters have been specified using the JavaScript console and custom names have been used to replace the standard names, then the custom names can be used as parameters for this macro.